Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Renewable Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Renewable Energy - Research Paper Example Since the beginning of industrial revolution, the consumption of energy in the world has been rapidly increasing. The need for renewable sources of energy has resulted from two factors: 1. The pollution resulting from burning of petroleum fuels 2. The inevitable decrease of oil reserves The use of renewable sources of energy as opposed to fossil fuels has led to the reduced rate of carbon emission. Most of the renewable energy is not produced directly from the source for use but has to use some equipment for it to be useful. There are various types of renewable energy. The type of renewable energy used in any particular country depends on its relative geographical location. Types of renewable energy Hydropower Water is denser than air and thus small amount of water is capable of producing a good quantity of energy. Energy gained from water is in different forms; micro hydro, ocean energy, hydroelectric energy and hydro without using dams. Water has a lot of power in it and contribute s the largest percentage of all renewable energy. Its energy is produced using mechanical energy of flowing water. The water is piped through a penstock pipe which turns the generator thus producing electricity. Solar Power Solar energy is among the oldest renewable source of energy. It consists of the energy which comes from the sun inform of solar radiation. Sun energy can be used in three different ways. One of them is the use of solar cells. In solar cells, photovoltaic or photoelectric cells directly transform light into electricity. The second one is solar water heating. Here, heat from sun is used for warming water in glass panels. This glass panels are set at the top of the roof for direct heating by the sun. Therefore, there is no further need of gas or electricity for warming the water. The last is the solar furnaces. They make use of the mirror to which captures the sun radiations to small area thus producing high temperatures. The solar furnaces are commonly used for coo king food. Biomass It is the most versatile form of renewable energy. Biomass fuel includes everything starting from wood to all trash in landfill. This is currently converted into methane for producing natural dry gas. Biomass fuel is burned in boilers thus heating water which turns a stream turbine creating electricity. Recent research has shown that animal waste especially manure is being used for by the dairy forms for energy production. Wind power Wind is one of the oldest sources of energy. As source of energy it involves a very simple process. Wind turbines are used to convert wind motion (kinetic energy) to the form of mechanical energy. This is in turn used for electricity generation. According to Maczulak (2009), the energy converted the second time using he generator to electrical energy. The converted energy is again passed through a grid where it is then transferred to power stations. The best position to establish the turbines is along the coastal areas, open fields an d hill tops. The biggest wind farms that have ever existed in the world are found in West Texas. Geothermal Power This involves the process of trapping underground heat. Energy that rises almost to the surface in heat form is then built. After the heat naturally forms steam, it is thus used for turning a steam turbine hence generating electricity. The decision on the type of energy source used by each country is based on the countries economy, resources and the willingness of the citizens to corporate. For instance, as suggested
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Naturalism A Movement In The European Drama English Literature Essay
Naturalism A Movement In The European Drama English Literature Essay On the other hand, parallel to Naturalism, another movement was born; Realism. It was a general movement in the 19th century theatre that developed a set of dramatical and theatrical agreements, in order to bring a greater loyalty to real life, to texts and performances. Realism began first in Russia and then it spread in the rest of Europe. Also, the beginning of both Realism and Naturalism happens at the same time as the scientific revolution. Realism of 19th century is connected to the development of modern drama which it began to exist in 1870, with the work of the Norwegian dramatist, Henrik Ibsen. So, the main representatives of Naturalism and Realism are the following: Balzac, Flaubert, Emile Zola, Henrik Ibsen, etc. During Naturalism there were two different literatures: the stage and the novel. In France, for half a century, there were two different styles: the theatrical style and the novelists style. These two styles had nothing in common and a subject which could be put in a book, could not be placed on the stage. In the beginning, we could could in French stage dialogues only for two people, unformed pieces of work, which performed in the public square. But as time passed, halls were built and tragedy and comedy born . M. Victorien Sardou is the actual representative of the comedy with plot. He is the inheritor of M. Scribe. Victorien Sardou removed all the all tricks and put new ones. He is one of the workmen of his period, who work toward their strength for a formula which other people dont have the genius to carry out in its completeness. His work was important and he gave to the public a taste for life and reality. M. Alexandre Dumas fils had done a better work. He is one of the most skilful workmen in the Naturalistic period. We can say that to him, we owe the physiological studies on the stage. Even if he was a bit unmeasured in some points, because of him the play became a problem that had to be solved. Finally, Dumas never used truth in his plays. During the 19th century, the dramatic author is enclosed in a strict frame: he must pay attention in all sorts of necessities. He has to provides truth evidences and try to persuade the audience that what he watches can really happen to anyone. But unfortunately, the theatre wasnt always acceptable from the audience. There have been many rejections of great plays, such as Ghosts from Ibsen- because critics thought that he talks about themes that are abandoned in their society (like syphilis, open relationships between men and women, etc). Actually, I believe that this reaction from the critics -but also from the audience- is accepted, because the themes that playwrights used, were pretty pioneer for that period and for their way of living. Of course the facts that they used happened in reality, but it was pretty unusual to touch themes like these on theatre, and that really socked them in the beginning. But as he can see afterwards, they overcame this way of thinking. At the same period in France Andre Antoine (1858- 1943) continued the great work of Emile Zola and Henrik Ibsen, to France and he opened there the first theatre of Europe, which called Theatre-Libre. His production of Ghosts was the first recorded production of Ibsen in France, but unfortunately they pronounced it a failure. After this, Antoine became a director and he tried to make some modifications in the field of direction. He also became well-known for his stage settings. Finally, Antoine tried to apply a new stage philosophy- that he produced- but not only to the new realistic plays, but also to the classics ( Aeschylus, Sophocles, Shakespeare, etc). Eventually, his productions became very famous. In Germany Otto Brahm (1856-1912) inspired by Antoines Theatre-Libre, open his Freie Buhne in Berlin in 1889 and his first play production was predictably Ghosts by Ibsen. He was for ten years a scholarly critic in Berlin and he was also Germanys leading advocate of Zola, Ibsen and the Naturalistic movement. Brahm, unlike Antoine, was assisted by well-educated actors and directors. Also, he tried to apply his new methods to the classics plays (as Antoine did) without looking back to the results of the previous. He believed that the classics had to live and change with their audiences, because a play may be old but the art of drama is always new and immediate. As we can see, Naturalism and Realism had a big influence in the history and the progress of drama in all the European cities. There were rejections and juxtapositions as it was obvious for that period, but these facts, didnt make Realism and Naturalism to loose their power and their importance in the history of Theatre. Even today these two terms are famous to everyone; only from this you can see the great influence of them, not only in the Theatre, but in many fields of our lives. 1. A Sourcebook on Naturalist Theatre: Ibsens Naturalistic Drama Henrik Ibsens (1823-1906) development as a playwright can only be understood in terms of the cultural battle of Norwegian independence. There was a continuity in the most general thematic terms, between his earlier heroic drama and his naturalistic work. Ibsen would like to represent reality in all of his plays and give to the audience/reader the impression that everything that appears in the play can really happen. In order to succeed this, he used three (3) main things: a) the stress of modernity, b) the individualization of even minor characters, and c) the use of everyday speaking language. Ibsen also believes that the influence of the play has to do with the spectator and the sense of feeling as if he/she was listening, looking at events that do happen in real life. In some plays (e.g.: Ghosts) the critics called him responsible for the opinions expressed by a character in the play and also that the book represents nihilism. But as he replied, nothing really happens. Furthermore, Ibsen had a practical experience as a theatre-director and this helped him with the writing of his plays and the way that he should represent Naturalism in the stage. Finally, as E.F.S. Piggott wrote, all of the characters that Ibsen used were morally deranged, the heroines were dissatisfied and had problems with their marriage, and men/heroes were all villains or foolish. 2. Ibsens Realistic Aesthetic Some of the major realists of 19th century are: Ibsen, Flaubert, Henry James, Balzac, Dickens, George Eliot, etc. all of them have differences between them. Here Ibsen talks about the Realistic Aesthetic. First of all, in literature, the realistic aesthetic focus on reality and downgrade the main subject. Realism maintain that any any subject is suitable to be used, if it represents reality. In other words, the new attitude in realism and naturalism, elevates arts above the subject and the artist is the one who made the subject important. In Flauberts work, the aesthetic dimension is being used very much,especially with irony (like Ibsen). For Ibsen Realistic aesthetic, the old form of drama had been stopped to be valid. Therefore, the struggle of the human spirit, in order to achieve greater authenticity as it moves forward, had to take up and abandon one spiritual drama after another. Finally, the Realistic aesthetic (for Ibsen) can be derived into two more things: a) a highly critical or sceptical attitude towards conventional ideas of reality, and b) from a number of causes (philosophical, moral, historical, social, etc), which undertake a posture of animosity, quickly reciprocated, towards conventional society. Naturalism on the stage- Emile Zola (1840-1902) Emile Zola talks about Naturalism and the meaning of it, about its representatives, novels and theatre of that period, and their characters. He also talks about the novelists of Naturalism and the great evolutions of the stage in France. Zola believes that naturalism exists from the first time that a person began to write. He also insists that naturalism as we know today, began from the savants who had worked like the poets. So, one day they decided to experiment, before they conclude. They abandoned supposed truths and they used analysis, rather than synthesis. This was an evolution for that time. So, the same happened in literature: there were only real characters, a true history of each one and the story of daily life. During Naturalism, novel and stage had nothing in common (especially in France) and a subject that could be put in a book, couldnt be placed in the stage. Balzac and Stendhal were first in the Naturalistic novel, and then Flaubert and, MM Edmond and Jules de Goncourt continued their work. Finally, in the French stage, we meet Victorien Sardou, Alexandre Dumas and Emile Augier who had a great impact in the Naturalist stage of France (each one for a different reason). Naturalism, Realism and The New Wave à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Naturalism and Realism Some people believe that Naturalism is virtually synonymous with realism. Even Emile Zola (one of the earliest champions of Naturalism) often used the terms interchangeably for Naturalism and Realism. But the New Wave mentioned that Naturalism and Realism different and each one represented two different formal projects. Also, the movement which moved beyond naturalism rejected Naturalism as a particular tradition of theatrical practice and this moved also to the directors, critics and also the writers. In the post-war context, Naturalism was quite a shorthand for the practices of the theatre before 1956, the chosen form of the directors, dramatists and critics that associated with it. Arnold Wesker, one of the most associated with naturalism writer, argued that: Naturalism (and also Realism) doesnt really exist, its an impossibility, because reality is quite obviously every minute detail. Furthermore, one of the main objections to Naturalism was that placed in a second importance questions of form and method. Finally, as Stanislavsky criticised his own work in terms of the defence of Realism and Naturalism, he said that Realism in art is the method that helps to select only the typical from life. If someone is Naturalistic in the stage, it only shows that he/she is not still able to talk about and perform historical and social essence of events and characters. 5. Realism and Naturalism The beginning of Naturalism and Realism happens at the same time as the scientific revolution. The new play was against the romantic form of drama, which was very popular during 19th century. Some of the main representatives of naturalistic and realistic novelists are: Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, Ibsen. When Realism arrived many people seemed to be socked by this, because they were used to the romantic movement, which was different. Realism tried to put on the stage only the things and facts that we can observe in our real life. Emile Zola (1840-1902) was the first who described a naturalistic theory in literature. His novel, Therese Raquin (1873), is the first milestone of the movement. Zola believed that everything had to be real in theatre, in order to persuade the audience. This would happen with characterizations, ordinary people as protagonists, correct use of language and dialogues. Henrik Ibsen (1823-1906) was a playwright who wrote A Dolls House (1879) and Ghosts (1881) both well known for different reasons. In the same period in France, Andre Antoine (1858-1943) opened the Theatre-Libre (1887), where Antoines production of Ghosts was the first production of any play of Ibsen in France and it pronounced a failure. In Germany, at the same time, Otto Brahm (1856-1912) inspired by Antoines theatre, he opened in Berlin the Freie Buhnel Theatre(1889), where his first production was also Ghosts. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Class Handout. Realism and Naturalism Innes, Christopher. A Sourcebook on Naturalistic Theatre. Routledge: London, 2000 Johnston, Brian. Text and Supertext in Ibsens Drama, University Park,PA; London:Pensylvania State, University Press, 1989 Lacey, Stephen. British Realistic Theatre: The New Wave in its Context 1956-1965. London; New York Routledge, 2002 Zola, Emile. The Experimental Novel and Other Essays, translated by Belle M. Sherman. New York: The Cassell Publishing Co., 1893
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Life Changer in the Mountains Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
I am proud to be a snowboarder in my home state of Minnesota. Its special climate and terrain has forced us to look at the technical aspects of the sport and focus on that because we do not have the large mountains to go on long rides all day. As I look back on my snowboarding days back home, I see many stories that I will take with me for a lifetime. However, my most memorable moment in snowboarding happened in the mountains of Utah. Ever year my girlfriend’s family and I take a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, and snowboard the surrounding ski resorts in the area. Our first year, by far, was the most memorable moment. This was the first time I actually snowboarded in the mountains in the west. So as we embarked on our snowboarding trip, our ignorance led us to do some stupid and crazy things when we were there. The morning was cool and crisp, and the snow reflected the bright, shiny rays of the sun. The day was perfect for snowboarding in the mountains of Utah. The forecaster on the radio rambled on about how such a nice day it was going to be in the mountains. My girlfriend’s brothers, Sam and Scott, and I were excited, and we quickly packed our items that we thought we needed for the day. We got in the car and rushed up the windy road to the ski resort. We threw on our clothing, bought our tickets, and darted to the tram to the top of the mountain. Riding up that tram was so peaceful. The mountains were around us, and the snow was blowing off the tops of the peaks around us. Everything was quiet but the rustling of the brisk wind. The smell of the crisp dry air permeated my nostrils. We knew today was going to be a great day before us. Our morning rides were of such ecstasy. We had ankle deep powder, and ... ...rder. When we found a patch of snow that wasn’t moving, we sent a praise to God for having his hand over us. We then turned around and watched the snow crumble down the hill and stop at the bottom. All of us were panting a sigh of relief. None of us could talk at that moment. We didn’t know what to say. We then headed down to the chairlift another way. We got on the chairlift, and headed up the mountain to which we proceeded to the front side of the mountain. When we saw the chalet, we all felt relief. We ran into the chalet with all of us trying to tell our adventurous story to anybody that would listen. That day we learned a great deal about the elements and terrain of the mountain of Utah. We knew that our Minnesota winters could not come close to preparing us for Utah mountain winters. This is a story that I will never forget as long as I love.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Essay
Marriage is the ceremonial binding of two people, male and female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the institution when a man and a woman join together with the promise of love, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take care of one another and to start a family together. Biblically, marriage has been all the aspects above, but including honoring, loving and growing closer to God and raising their family in ways that the Lord would have them, by abiding to the Word of God. Now days the traditional view of marriage is being changed by gay and lesbian couples demanding the same right to love, honor and cherish each other. This argumentative essay on gay marriage will explore both sides on the debate of gay and lesbian marriages. Historically, marriage was seen as a religious and civil union that brought together a man and woman for the purpose of joining family and to live the rest of their lives together. Biblical marriage was seen with the same purposes but including God in their marriage and to honor and obey the laws of marriage in His Word. Love may have been a big part of choosing a mate, or asking the person to marry you, but not the only factor. For Christians, we would not choose a mate; neither friends, nor family nor parents, but the Lord would choose â€Å"the one†for us. If you choose a mate, you would choose one that you could live with the rest of your life, who could put up with you and your shenanigans and vice-versa, who may have a lot in common or may not and so forth. Over time society has came to believe that love is the only reason to marry. No longer is marriage a union that is based on the future together forever and for starting a family, but just for enjoyment and emotional satisfaction. If it were to go wrong, or you just stopped loving that person, you could always back out and find another person to love. With these shifts in why to marry, what we have come to expect from marriage has also changed. Modern American society has changed its view of marriage. Society sees marriage as an institution whose purpose is to provide emotional satisfaction to the person concerned, and whose terms are negotia ble and revocable. Marriage, traditionally limited to unions between men and woman, in its modern state is slowly beginning to include the idea of same sex couples. When love becomes the primary driving force to marry not the need to set up your own family then marriage can be open to any forms of partnerships. God institutes marriage in the Bible in Genesis chapter 2 verse 18, â€Å"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone.†The Word of God states that a man and woman be married in verse 24 of chapter 2, â€Å"Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.†Not a man and another man or a woman and another woman, but one man and one woman would leave their families to start a new one together, by marriage. God didn’t create Adam and Steve, but Adam and Eve! The book of Leviticus gives God’s rules to us for everyone, everywhere for all time, here on earth. Leviticus 18:22 â€Å"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.†Leviticus 20:13 â€Å"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: â€Å" God commanded that homosexuality is wrong, gay and lesbian marriage alike. It is an abomination is His sight. Romans 1:26b â€Å"for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:†Romans 1:27 â€Å"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men†. It is not natural for man to like another man and want to be with him. It is the same with woman! As stated in the above paragraph, God created woman to be a help meet for men. Adam was lonely in the garden, so God created a woman from him! He didn’t create another man to be with Adam, but a woman. If homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord, then certainly gay marriage is wrong in G od’s eyes too! Marriage, between a man and a woman, husband and wife, is to be enjoyable, pleasurable, romantic, long-lasting and holy in God’s sight! God made men and women to live with, walk with, speak with, love, to be together and enjoy life together, not the other way. I believe in the way I was reared and taught, I believe in God’s holy, infallible, inspired and preserved Word, I believe in Biblical marriage – do you?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Effecrs Of Employee Satisfaction Essay
This week’s reading covered regression and inferences about differences. Regression is a statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable and a series of other changing variables. This information helps determine what factors affect certain outcomes and which do not. This article was really interesting as it explored a very realistic question of whether positive employee attitudes and behaviors influence business outcomes or whether positive business outcomes influence positive employee attitudes and behaviors. At its core concept, regression takes a group of random variables, thought to be predicting an outcome, and tries to find a mathematical relationship between them. This relationship is typically linear and takes into account all the individual data points. The hypothesis in this study by Daniel Koys was that employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and employee turnover influence profitabil ity and customer satisfaction. Data was gathered from a restaurant chain using employee surveys, manager surveys, customer surveys, and organizational records. Regression analyses showed that employee attitudes and behaviors at a given ‘Time 1’ were related to organizational effectiveness at given ‘Time 2’ however additional regression analyses show no significant relationship between organizational effectiveness at Time 1 and the employee attitudes and behaviors at Time 2. Overall it was determined that employee behaviors have a more direct impact on organizational effectiveness than do employee attitudes, especially when the concept of organizational effectiveness includes profitability as well as customer attitudes towards the restuarant. Further research was conducted in a restaurant chain to determine the relationship between employee satisfaction on organizational citizenship. Employee satisfaction was measured using a survey of hourly employees. Organizational citizenship behavior was measured via a survey of the employees’ managers. Results from the study showed in Year 1, 774 hourly employees (average of 28 per unit) and 64 managers (average of 2 per unit) responded to the surveys. In Year 2, 693 hourly employees (average of 25) and 79 managers (average of 3) responded. Customer satisfaction was measured by a survey conducted in 24 units. Surveys were distributed in the restaurants at predetermined times by the restaurant host/hostess and they collected 5,565 customer responses for Year 1 (an average of 232 per unit) and 4,338 responses for Year 2 (an average of 182 per unit). Based on results of the study it was determined that data supported the idea that human resource factors such as positive employee attitudes influence organizational effectiveness. The results showed that Year l’s outcomes account for 14% to 31% of the variance in Year 2’s organizational effectiveness. The results showed some support for the hypothesis that Year l’s unit-level employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover predict Year 2’s unit-level profitability but there was a stronger support for the hypothesis that Year l’s unit-level employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover predict Year 2’s unit-level customer satisfaction. In the reading it was noted that employee satisfaction had the only significant beta weight. Although this implies that employee satisfaction influences customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction may still affect employee satisfaction. There may be a reciprocal relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction but like all statistical results one can only conclude that data judging the relationship between employee satisfaction and organizational effectiveness is still an open question needing continued research.
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