Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Budget Planning and Control Tootsie Roll Industries
Budget Planning and Control Tootsie Roll Industries About the company Tootsie Roll Industries is based in the United States and it deals with the production of food items that have high levels of Carbohydrates and sugar. The company was established in 1896 and it operates in the confectionery industry. Currently, it is a public company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange with the ticker symbol TR.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Budget Planning and Control: Tootsie Roll Industries specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the shares of the company are trading at $31.86 per share. Further, the company has a market capitalization of 2.0 billion. At the end of the year 2014, the total revenue of the company amounted to $544 million while the operating income totaled to $84 million, an equivalent of 15.4% of sales. The net income for the year amounted to $63 million. The total assets at the end of the year 2014 amounted to $910 million, while liabilities and equity amounted to $220 million and $691 million. A review of the balance sheet shows that the company has more equity than debt in the capital structure. A review of the trend of the performance of the company over the years shows that the performance of the company has improved. Finally, the company has engaged more than 2000 employees. The paper seeks to analyze various aspects of budgeting for Tootsie Roll Industries. Reasons for budgeting There are a number of reasons why companies need to prepare and manage budgets on a period basis. The first reason is that budgets enable the management to plan for the future (Brigham Michael, 2009). In this case, the budget aids the management in developing a direction for the entity. It also facilitates the development of future policies for the organization. Also under planning, budgets aid management in planning for problems that might arise in the future. Finally, as a way of planning for the organization, budgets helps the managem ent in setting standards that can control the use of available resources (Collier, 2010). The second reason why companies need to prepare budget is that it aids in delivering important information on matters that deal with the capabilities of resources. An example is that a cash budget gives information on the ability of the company to generate revenue and pay for expenses. Further, a budget encourages coordination across various departments and units because the plan for a specific period is communicated to various employees (Brigham Michael, 2009). This contributes to the achievement of the overall objective of the entity. Thus, if the company carries out proper budgeting, then it serves as an effective tool for planning and controlling (Brigham Michael, 2009). Positive outcome The positive outcomes that are likely to be reported when budgets are carried out effectively are reduced costs and improved profits. This is based on the fact that budgets aids in effective management of costs and this has a positive impact on the performance of the company. As a result, the elements in the budget will be equivocal to achievement of the intentions of a company. Besides, the company will be able to track different budget performance matrices over a specified period of time.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Negative outcome The negative outcomes that are likely to be reported when budgets are carried out effectively are resource misuse and inability to track different parameters of performance of a specified period in a company. If budgeting is not done effectively, then there is likely to be misuse of resources since budget controls resource allocation and use in a company (Graham, Smart, Meggison, 2010). This will lead to poor working capital management and low level of sales. This may translate into poor performance since misusing resour ces cannot translate into efficiency. Therefore, it is important for the company to carry out planning for all financial years. Budget plan The company needs to come up with a comprehensive budget plan because it is involved in the production and sale of its products. Therefore, the high-level budget will capture the two aspects of the business and it gives strict control on spending (Brigham Michael, 2009). Thus, the high-level budget plan for the company is summarized in the table below. The plan above brings together all the aspects of the organization in one budget. It ensures that several employees are involved in planning and control of resources. Budgeting phases Budget preparation goes through four distinct phases. The first phase is budget preparation. This stage is quite critical because the resources available in the organization are reviewed to ascertain whether they can enable the company to achieve the desired goals and objectives (Brigham Michael, 2009). The phase is the approval of the budget while the third phase is executing the budget. The final stage is evaluating the budget. This stage ensures that resources are spent in accordance with the budget (Atrill, 2009). All these phases are critical because they ensure that the budgeting process is successful.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Budget Planning and Control: Tootsie Roll Industries specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Methods and techniques of managing budgets Methods managing budgets The first technique of managing budgets is by preparing flexible budgets. These are budget relationships that can be adjusted to various levels of activities. This technique is suitable for performance management (Atrill, 2009). The second technique is by managing variances by exception. These variances can cause significant variations on the results. Managing variances is a technique that ensures that the company stays within th e budget (Hansen, Mowen, Guan, 2009). Techniques of managing budgets The first method of managing budget is drawing parallel budgets from which the most effective budget is picked. This method is necessary in minimize possible risks as a result of dynamics that might affect projections in a single fixed budget (Graham, Smart, Meggison, 2010). The second method of managing budgets is creating a matrix for balancing the actual and projected figures to ensure that the funds allocated for each function are spent within the acceptable degree of variation (Atrill, 2009). Action plan to resolve budget misalignment Flexibility is often compromised in companies facing uncertainty. In real sense, there should be a balancing system that is critical in improving leadership skills, evaluation skills, promoting creativity, and tracking goals (Graham, Smart, Meggison, 2010). Therefore, the basis for flexibility implementation should function on a comprehensive analysis of how budget monitors an y change in variance from expected outcome to facilitate work-life balance in a project (Brigham Michael, 2009). The concept should remain relevant even during economic downturn since an ideal tracker has a moderator within Pareto efficiency matrix (Arnold, 2008). Recommendations for resolving budget misalignments Managing variances by exception This is achieved through variance analysis to resolve budget misalignment. Variance analysis focuses on the difference between the actual and budgeted amounts. It analyzes the total variance between standard and actual result (Graham, Smart, Meggison, 2010). Variances can either be favorable or unfavorable. Variance analysis has a number of advantages. First, it helps in performance management. This is because the management uses results of variance analysis to measure performance against expected results. Secondly, variance analysis improves responsible accounting. Finally, variance analysis encourages management by exemption, that is, ma nagement puts a lot of emphasis on areas with adverse variances (Atrill, 2009). The rationale for this technique is the ability to track the variances that might be detected in budget implementation to ensure that these variations do not affect the overall outcome (Brigham Michael, 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Preparing flexible budgets In line with the main objective to determine the forecast density closest to actual value, it is of essence to resonate upon the principles of relative performance of different competing forecast densities as part of the cost reduction system. In computing this, higher scores are given more priority since they are prone to give positive values. Besides, this model distributes higher probability to values observed (Graham, Smart, Meggison, 2010). From the different densities realized and those forecasted, the sequences of observed results on densities of return are compared from the base line of an average score. Subsequently, in line with the accuracy of equal forecast, the loss differential is expected to be minimal (Brigham Michael, 2009). The rationale for this technique is that the parameters and variables used are aligned to ensure that threshold on model-independent is achieved within competing parameters (Graham, Smart, Meggison, 2010). Thus, thi s is the most appropriate benchmarking for managing a budget. References Arnold, G. (2008). Corporate financial management. New York, NY: Pearson Publishers. Atrill, P. (2009). Financial management for decision makers. New York, NY: Pearson Publishers. Brigham, E., Michael, J. (2009). Financial management theory and practice. New York, NY: South-Western Cengage Learning. Collier, P. (2010). Accounting for managers. New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Graham, J., Smart, S., Meggison, W. (2010). Corporate finance: linking theory to what companies do. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. Hansen, R., Mowen, M., Guan, L. (2009). Cost management: accounting control. New York, NY: South Western Cengage Learning.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Artist George Catlin Proposed Creation of National Parks
Artist George Catlin Proposed Creation of National Parks The creation of the National Parks in the United States can be traced to an idea first proposed by the noted American artist George Catlin, who is best remembered for his paintings of American Indians. Catlin traveled extensively throughout North America in the early 1800s, sketching and painting Indians, and writing down his observations. And in 1841 he published a classic book, Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. While traveling the Great Plains in the 1830s, Catlin became acutely aware that the balance of nature was being destroyed because robes made of fur from the American bison (commonly called the buffalo) had become very fashionable in the cities of the East. Catlin perceptively noted that the craze for buffalo robes would make the animals extinct. Instead of killing the animals and using nearly every part of them for food, or to make clothing and even tools, Indians were being paid to kill buffalo for their fur alone. Catlin was disgusted to learn the Indians were being exploited by being paid in whiskey. And the buffalo carcasses, once skinned, were being left to rot on the prairie. In his book Catlin expressed a fanciful notion, essentially arguing that the buffalo, as well as the Indians who depended upon them, should be preserved by being set aside in a Nations Park. The following is the passage in which Catlin made his startling suggestion: This strip of country, which extends from the province of Mexico to Lake Winnipeg on the North, is almost one entire plain of grass, which is, and ever must be, useless to cultivating man. It is here, and here chiefly, that the buffaloes dwell; and with, and hovering about them, live and flourish the tribes of Indians, whom God made for the enjoyment of that fair land and its luxuries.It is a melancholy contemplation for one who has traveled as I have through these realms, and seen this noble animal in all its pride and glory, to contemplate it so rapidly wasting from the world, drawing the irresistible conclusion too, which one must do, that its species is soon to be extinguished, and with it the peace and happiness (if not the actual existence) of the tribes of Indians who are joint tenants with them, in the occupancy of these vast and idle plains.And what a splendid contemplation too, when one (who has traveled these realms, and can duly appreciate them) imagines them as they migh t in future be seen (by some great protecting policy of government)preserved in their pristine beauty and wildness, in a magnificent park, where the world could see for ages to come, the native Indian in his classic attire, galloping his wild horse, with sinewy bow, and shield and lance, amid the fleeting herds of elks and buffaloes. What a beautiful and thrilling specimen for America to preserve and hold up to the view of her refined citizens and the world, in future ages! A Nations Park, containing man and beast, in all the wild and freshness of their natures beauty!I would ask no other monument to my memory, nor any other enrollment of my name amongst the famous dead, than the reputation of having been the founder of such an institution. Catlins proposal was not seriously entertained at the time. People certainly didnt rush to create a huge park so future generations cold observe Indians and buffalo. However, his book was influential and went through many editions, and he can be seriously credited with first formulating the idea of National Parks whose purpose would be to preserve the American wilderness. The first National Park, Yellowstone, was created in 1872, after the Hayden Expedition reported on its majestic scenery, which had been vividly captured by the expeiditions official photographer, William Henry Jackson. And in the late 1800s the writer and adventurer John Muir would advocate for the preservation of Yosemite Valley in California, and other natural places. Muir would become known as the father of the National Parks, but the original idea does actually go back to the writings of a man best remembered as a painter.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Haier Global Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Haier Global Analysis - Case Study Example Yes. It took Haier some time to establish as a quality player in developed markets. But once it has established itself in those countries Haier was able to retain more margins and introduce some products that are suitable for special segments. This has helped in introducing more products with increasing revenues. It also helped Haier to enter into developing countries with an established reputation in developed markets.Yes. It took Haier some time to establish as a quality player in developed markets. But once it has established itself in those countries Haier was able to retain more margins and introduce some products that are suitable for special segments. This has helped in introducing more products with increasing revenues. It also helped Haier to enter into developing countries with an established reputation in developed markets.But it has faced problems in customizing its products to developing markets. As each market is different in its market characteristics Haier has to deve lop separate marketing strategies.Haier has developed its brand as a niche player in developed countries. This makes it to position in developing markets also easier. The advantage of branding itself as a niche player and continuously maintaining quality will enable Haier to offer its product line at a premium as well as it can increase sales. The reputation in one product will help other product lines as well.†¢ Develop an International marketing strategy as well as standardization strategy.†¢ Focus on R&D to produce innovative products for customization for the local markets†¢ Focus on Brand promotion as a niche player as well as develop good distribution network for developing markets.As the focus on more number of countries increases, there is a need for developing an International marketing strategy. The International Marketing Strategy enables Haier to develop strategies that on a global level. This helps in identifying countries according their importance a s well as their markets. Identify the markets to understand customers according to their preferences. Key Point #2 Haier has introduced new and more innovative products as an entry strategy into developed markets. It has helped Haier to position itself as a quality player. So it can adopt the same strategy to enter into newer markets. There is also a need to develop customized products to several markets apart from standardized products. This helps it to understand its markets well.(fig: B) Key Point #3 Being a niche player as well as a developing good distribution network are key strategies to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Nursing bridge programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nursing bridge programs - Essay Example Typical courses that are involved in these online classes include pharmacology, psychology, physiology, anatomy, and microbiology. On passing the course, the LPN will have to take the NCLEX-RN test for one to get the RN title. When one is getting their bridging course online, they are still required to get clinical training from a health facility setting. As with all types of schools, online LPN to RN bridging courses have a disadvantage in that the students have limited instructor and peer interaction, as well as a lack of readily available facilities (Nunnery 30). This problem faced Olivia Medina and Allisan Loya, who completed their courses after retaking an entire semester and failed to complete it altogether respectively. Of the six LPNs taking the bridging course at Lamar College in Texas, only Allison passed and this could be because they are all full time working mothers who do not have time to take part in the practical aspect of their course. It has been reported that while the popularity of bridging online courses has increased overall, the rates of course completion is very low. This has been seen in the case of the students from Lamar College and the problem of online LPN to RN bridging courses is two-pronged. ... However, it is this later group that makes up the highest proportion of online bridging course enrollment (Nunnery 39), which means that they need the most contact with their instructors in order to be successful. Research has indicated that LPN students who enroll in online bridging courses have a higher chance of not completing their course or failing than those who attend traditional courses in the classroom, which leads to loss of their tuition money. In addition, students who have other commitments in their lives and are barely succeeding in traditional classrooms have been found to fall even more behind when taking bridging online courses (Nunnery 40). For this reason, there is a need to improve the online bridging courses for LPNs to RNs, while it may be prudent for those online courses that have a high failure and non-completion rates to require their students to first show adeptness in the traditional classroom setting prior to enrolling them in the online courses. Online br idging courses that do not take the individual requirements of the students into consideration suffer the risk of low completion rates and failures (Nunnery 40), which has necessitated a closer and more personal approach to these students. However, this is much easier said than done. The online bridging revolution for LPNs has been gathering momentum for the last ten years, although evidence shows that their success rates are at least half of what they are for students taking traditional classes. One logical answer to this may be the institution of front door controls for students enrolling in the online LPN to RN bridging courses (Cherry & Jacob 34). This would be in line with the testing that is required for
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Eom Draft Essay Example for Free
Eom Draft Essay Although many practices such as resale and consignment of clothing are not widely known in Singapore, they are possible practices that could be adapted and promoted in our culture as an alternative to recycling clothing, making it relevant to our project. The concept of the consignment boutique is for shoppers to â€Å"wear the outfit once, bring it in, get money back and continue their shopping habit†. This encourages the idea of reuse of clothing but keeps the clothing in a fixed circuit, being recycled in the same boutique. Instead, these shops can expand their networks or probably work together with other resale shops and reach out to more buyers and sellers, providing them with a bigger variety as well. Although when reselling it to the different boutiques, varying offers may be made by different boutique owners. These boutiques may standardize the prices to offer according to the number of days from which it was purchased, which will be recorded in a computer system assessable to the owners in the network. The article claims that â€Å"people don’t have a stigma against buying used clothes anymore†but I disagree. In Singapore, many second-hand clothing stalls are not popularly purchased from, due to the social stigma that used clothes are old, unwanted and unhygienic which is usually reflected through how the shops are usually disorganized, unlike those mentioned in the article where ‘the racks aren’t overcrowded’ and the store has a ‘boutique feel’ which appeals to the target demographic. Thrift shops in Singapore could be mirrored to have organized racks for different clothing articles and trends and could hire youth volunteers who would communicate better with the shoppers. This would increase the appeal for used clothing and possibly change the perspective on used clothing. In a consignment, the owners are able to ‘chose what [they] want’ to purchase. This may be unreflective of what the rest of the consumers want. Also, when they are willing to purchase it, the seller may be unhappy with the price of the offer. Therefore, instead of having the retailer as the middle-man, events where people can swap or sell their clothing would be more effective as buyers are able to chose what they want while sellers can name their own prices according to their perceived value for it or allow others to bargain for cheaper prices. The article states that consumers want good deals and are ‘growing tired of mass produced clothing’ therefore resale shops targets the ‘vintage aspect’ to set themselves apart. I agree with this statement as mass produced clothing are widely seen around the market and loses its originality and one-of-a-kind concept which customers define unique. Consumers would be willing to pay slightly more if the article of clothing is not commonly or easily found. Furthermore, the vintage aspect suites current clothing trends and would appeal to the target group of teenagers well. There is also a small number of male shoppers visiting or purchasing from consignment and resale boutiques, possibly because resale boutiques may not appeal to the male demographic widely, as they may come across as more female-centric and may not be as widely known. As the article mentions that the location affects the target demographic, these boutiques can be relocated or expanded to places in the urban areas which have many other male clothing outlets in order to boost its image as a boutique for male clothing as well and attract more male shoppers.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Socrates and His Innocence :: essays research papers
Socrates and His Innocence      Socrates lived such a private life that it lead to the most important revelation of his entire life. He would go about his life doing nothing but self-examination. In examining his life so strenuously others would come to him to be taught, or to have their children be taught by Socrates. They would offer him money and he would refuse. They would do whatever they could to learn anything Socrates had to teach. What they did not know is that Socrates was not teaching anyone he was simply going about his usual life and people just happened to learn from it. This was also why Socrates was put on trial. He was brought up on two charges, one of impiety and the other of corrupting the youth. These two charges set the course for the last month of his life.      Socrates was indicted to a court of law on the charges of impiety, and the corruption of the youth of Athens. Three different men brought these charges upon Socrates. These men represented those that Socrates examined in his search to find out if the Delphic Mission was true. In that search he found that none of the men that promoted what they believed that they knew was true was in fact completely false. This made those men so angry that they band together and indicted Socrates on the charges of impiety and the corruption of the youth. Socrates then went to court and did what he could to refute the charges that were brought against him.      Socrates starts by speaking of his first accusers. He speaks of the men that they talked to about his impiety and says that those that they persuaded in that Socrates is impious, that they themselves do not believe in gods (18c2). He tells the court of how long they have been accusing him of impiety. He states that they spoke to others when they were at an impressionable age (18c5). These two reasons alone should have been good enough to refute the first accusers of how they were wrong about him but Socrates went on. He leaves the first accusers alone because since they accused him a long time ago it was not relevant in the current case and began to refute the second accusers. Socrates vindicates his innocence by stating that the many have heard what he has taught in public and that many of those that he taught were present in the court that day.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Business and Starbucks
1. Why do you think Starbucks has been so concerned with social responsibility in its overall corporate strategy? Starbucks is not only concerned with the success of the company but with the satisfaction of their employees and customers. They realize and show they know without the customers they would not have the business. They ensure farmers are able to make profits by paying more for the coffee; they put the customer first and put them before their profits. When they have employees that are not satisfied, they will not give the company 100% of their ability. They value their employees so they reward them to keep their morale up and keep them happy so they keep the customers happy. 2. What are the most admirable and significant investments that Starbucks is making in its people, products, stores and suppliers? Starbucks offers benefits to employees if they work at least 20 hours per week. This helps single mothers if they cannot afford insurance. They make charitable donations to help farmers and the surrounding communities in effort to help make a name for them. They try to make it more customer-friendly by combining items on their menus so customers can take advantage of being able to get their breakfast and coffee at one convenient place. 3. What do you believe are the most significant ethical criticisms of Starbucks’ leadership and business strategy? Starbucks are everywhere. I have personal issues with big box companies driving out the mom and pop shops. They make it a hard competition for entrepreneurs to try to make it in this economy. I feel they should support the smaller businesses more but realize they will worry about themselves first. 4. Is quality of life in Albuquerque better or worse because of Starbucks? I feel coffee is a very sought after luxury that almost everyone enjoys. I have walked by some Starbucks and have seen people on their laptops studying, visiting with people, and have seen some business people having meetings. I think it could bring a better quality of life to Albuquerque if it has not already. I personally have paid the Starbucks price for coffee and do very much enjoy having that sweet energizing treat every once in a while. Although the economy now does not allow much room for luxury maybe they will rethink their prices in the future to better fit the decreasing economy to keep the customers coming in.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Intuitive Surgical
This paper will explore the strengths and weaknesses of Intuitive Surgical. This paper will analyze which leadership model(s) and practices would encourage innovation considering the global context of the organization. This paper will also assess how the information in the Intuitive Surgical case study does or does not exemplify the five discovery skills. Lastly, in this paper I will assess the actions that the leaders of this organization took to shape culture and processes to be more innovative.The leadership model(s) and practices that would encourage innovation considering the global context of Intuitive Surgical Intuitive Surgical is a company that has led the country as the global technology leader in robotic assisted minimally-invasive surgery (Hoffman 2012). Their main product is the da Vinci Surgical System which is a robotic surgical system designed to perform urologic, gynecologic, cardiothoracic, and general surgeries that are much less invasive than traditional surgeries (Hoffman 2012). This company was definitely a leader within their market.Each of the different leadership models support innovation within organizations in some form or fashion. In order to grasp how, one must first develop an understanding of innovation and leadership. Innovation has many meanings, but on a broad scale one can say that innovation is thinking outside the box. Leadership is a bit harder to describe because it is best understood when seen. To put leadership in words according to Doyle and Smith, leaders often become visible when an innovative response is needed (2001).Now that we have an idea of what these words mean, one of the leadership models that would be of great benefit to Intuitive Surgical is the transformational leadership. This leadership model serves as a role model by gaining the trust and confidence of peers and employees. By stating future goals, developing plans to achieve these goals and displaying an innovative edge, transformational leaders are gen erally successful (Bass, 1985). The transformation leader gets its followers to transcend there own self-interest for the sake of the organization (Doyle & Smith 2001).As for any organization, for innovation to take place they need caring people who are will to commit to the greater good of the organization, as well as creative people who have the capacity to turn ideas into practical products and services. Therefore, with Intuitive Surgical patents expiring in the near future they should channel the transformational leadership model so they can have a great chance of building innovators within its organizations. The second leadership model that could benefit Intuitive Surgical and help with innovation in organizations is behavioral leadership.This type of leadership moved away from who leaders where to what leaders did. If they continue doing what they are doing and coming up with ideas that make patients happy with very minimal errors, this companies acquirement of innovative empl oyees will rise along with its products. How the information in the Intuitive Surgical case study does or does not exemplify the five discovery skills In The DNA of Innovators, The discovery skills are the new ideas introduced by the innovator who did the five skills of: associating, questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting.Intuitive Surgical did use some of these skills very well. The first one I noticed them using was the networking skill. According to Dyer, Gregerson & Christensen, the idea networker, â€Å"networks to actively tap into new ideas and insights by talking with people who have diverse ideas and perspectives. †They used this skill when they decided to merge with Computer Motion Inc in 2003. This merge helped them to cancel out their biggest competition and lead country with their technological advancements. Associating, as Dyer, Gregerson, & Christensen (2011) stated, â€Å"happens as the brain tries to make sense of novel inputs.Associating hel ps innovators discover new directions by making connections across seemingly unrelated questions, problems or ideas (pg 23). †I did not notice Intuitive Surgical use of this discovery skill from the case study. In The DNA of Innovators, â€Å"Innovators ask questions to understand how things really are today, why they are those ways, how they might be changed or disrupted (Dyer, Gregerson & Christensen 2011). Intuitive surgical definitely answered a lot of questions by creating the da Vinci robot.With this robot they had to ask and answer a host of questions in order to acquire the precision of their device as they did. Innovators use the observing skill by carefully watching the world around them so that what they see can help them build ideas for new ways to do things. Intuitive Surgical used this skill also when they came up with their robot. Computer Motion Inc, who they merged with, was the first company to jump into the robotic surgical field which in turn means that I ntuitive Surgical watch this method and basically grew their device from a Computer Motions initial idea.Experimenting is used by innovators when they traveling to new places, seeking new information and trying new things ideas. Given that Intuitive Surgical is a leader on a global scale, this company definitely did a lot of experimenting. Also, the fact that their invention started off being used for laparoscopic surgery and went on to be used in six other surgical procedures shows that this company had done a ton of experimenting.The actions that the leaders of Intuitive Surgical took to shape culture and processes to be more innovative Intuitive Surgical took a lot of steps to make their organization more innovative. As I stated previously, merging with their biggest competitor was genius. This move alone helped them to gain a comfortable seat at the top of the ladder as global technology leader. Also, taking the step to put patents on their work secured their spot at the top for years to come. This company has helped a monopoly in the robotic-assisted MIS market.Now that the patents are due to expire the company has had time to come up with bigger, better ideas that they can put into play after the expiration has hit which could possibly acquire new patents. That way they can continue leading their competitors and protecting their development for another x amount of years. In 2008 Annual Report Letter to the Shareholders, Intuitive Surgical emphasized that their goal is to â€Å"take surgery beyond the limits of the human hand†(Hoffman 2012).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Rebellious Teens essays
Rebellious Teens essays Teenagers these days have become more violent than ever. It seems like everyday we hear about yet another high school shooting in which innocent people are being killed. In all this chaos I ask you this: What causes these adolescents to rebel?, Why did they resort to violence?, and why does it happen more now than it did when our parents were adolescents? If they are only teenagers and are already using guns to resolve their problems, can you imagine them as adults? Just the thought of it is frightening. I'm sure we all remember the Columbine High school shooting that was so terrifying, the whole country was in shock. Not too long ago, there had been another shooting in Santana High school which shook us a bit but not as much as Colorado's Columbine incident. There have been many other incidents like these that haven't gained much recognition. But why do these teenagers rebel? The Denver Post interviewed an 18 year old Trench Coat Mafia member who says that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (shooters in Columbine), were outcasts. He explains that they were loners and weren't accepted by their peers. According to Cnn, Andy (Santana shooter) was bullied by bigger kids because he was skinny. With all the information attained, I would have to conclude that young people rebel because of peer pressure. Whether they were rejected, bullied, out casted or thought of as loners, they did not have to resort taking other people's lives. I believe the shooters resorted to violence because it is all around them. According to the Denver Post, Eric Harris played violent games such as Doom and Duke Nukem in which you use guns to kill creatures. Above that, he had associations with the Trench Coat Mafia who were into a lot of violent crimes. Before Andy shot people in Santana High, he told over 20 people about it (including his parents), and they didn't pay much attention. (CNN) Maybe teenagers resort to violence because of the ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Writing and Pronunciation
Writing and Pronunciation Writing and Pronunciation Writing and Pronunciation By Maeve Maddox I sometimes hesitate to address the subject of pronunciation because I usually get complaints. For example, I received this gentle admonition when I wrote about the novel pronunciation of the word news among radio announcers: Methinks a site about writing tips should steer clear of pronunciation. I have to disagree. Pronunciation has nothing to do with grammar or sentence structure, but it does relate to spelling, and spelling is a significant aspect of writing. For example, not everyone pronounces vehicle and often with the same speech sounds, a fact that doesn’t matter in conversation, but does matter if the speaker spells often as â€Å"offen†or vehicle without the h. English orthography is often ridiculed for oddities like rough and knight, but it is nevertheless based on a sound system represented by the 26 letters of the alphabet and several additional symbols represented by letter combinations. Pronunciation may be a matter of personal preference, but correct spelling rarely offers a choice. It is in everyone’s interest to know what sound is represented by each letter or letter combination, even if the sound is not pronounced. It is more useful in a writer to learn the idiosyncrasies of the system. For example, instead of ridiculing the archaic spelling of knight, an English speaker can choose to learn that in modern English writing, kn is an alternate spelling for the sound /n/, and that igh is an alternate spelling of the long i sound, a â€Å"three-letter i.†Many English words have more than one acceptable pronunciation for the same spelling, but speakers who do not pronounce all the letters in a word still need to learn â€Å"spelling†pronunciations. For example, I used to have trouble spelling the word silhouette, which I pronounce â€Å"sil-uh-wet.†I learned that if I think the â€Å"spelling†pronunciation â€Å"sil-hoo-etty,†I can spell it correctly. If you pronounce the word arctic without the first /k/ sound, you need to think â€Å"ark-tik†when you write it so that you won’t leave out the first c. Each of the following words has at least two pronunciations that are considered acceptable in standard English. I’ll leave it to you to listen to the options at one of the online dictionaries with audio buttons. arctic February calm palm salmon clothes forehead comptroller victuals waistcoat medicine ski Contrary to what one college textbook irresponsibly suggests, spelling mastery does not require that you be â€Å"gifted with a marvellous visual memory.†It does, however, require attention to pronunciation, and a willingness to discard the myth that English spelling is hopelessly chaotic. If you want to see some really opinionated thoughts on pronunciation, check out Charles Harrington Elster’s The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesHow to Pronounce Mobile10 Terms for the Common People
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Strategy Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Strategy Report - Essay Example They use trade rules and regulations that have been set for each country by the European Union. Branches of each of the business units are spread across these countries. However, they do not share business premises or any other resources. Each business unit operates on its own, but they operate under the same company name In this paper, we shall be reporting to thunder software. As stated, thunder software deals with developing, creating new, and existing software’s for mobile phones and computers. The business unit is spread across the European geographical market. This places the business unit in a very competitive industry and market. Most of the new and better software come from this market. The industry in this specific market has many developers that release open source software’s. This software’s do not require the user to purchase them so that they can be able to use them. This has raised competitiveness in the industry because the open source software’s can be used for the same function as a normal software’s. In order to compete with such a software the company needs to develop better and more user-friendly software’s. New and latest methods for developing software bring the most important chance to improve a company’s reputation (Mark & Eric & Linda 2013, p. 1). Putting this fact into context, competition is bound to be high in the software industry. There is a lot of revenue that is collected from the software business. Every company that prides itself in making it in the software business bites in from the cake of revenue. However, it is not easy for a company to make it in the software industry The European geographical market presents a challenge in terms of competition in the software market. More companies are capable of creating top notch software’s. Thunder software relies on its growth strategies so that they can be able to stay afloat amidst the competition. The company invests in the latest
Friday, November 1, 2019
Analyze and assess the significance of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis Essay
Analyze and assess the significance of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis - Essay Example The New Atlantis may not be considered as a work of literature comparable to the classics that were produced during that time. However, the Baconian or scientific method which it asserts on is the most important content that has been serving as the framework for the succeeding experiments and practical scientific activities. It is apparent that without the Baconian method explicitly outlined, The New Atlantis would certainly be less relevant as a book of science. Neither would it even be significant as a literary work of fiction. The focal point that Bacon wishes to portray in The New Atlantis is that if his scientific method is applied scientists, it would be possible to construct a society similar to that in a fictional land which he called Bensalem. Such a society as described by Bacon is actually a utopia. Nevertheless, it clear that what he wants to impress on the readers is that a utopian society is possible for as long as the scientific method that he is proposing would be put to practice in all fields of science, be it natural, physical, or social. It is apparent in the novel though that even as Bacon insists on a certain framework for establishing scientific truths, he never goes to the extent of negating the very essence of the supposed antithesis of science: religion. In fact, even as Bensalem’s inhabitants and leaders follow a precise scientific method, they retain their belief in the supernatural. As a consequence of adhering to a system of studying scientific truths and applying these in governing Bensalem, the inhabitants in this society are described by Bacon to be very contented with their lives. The problems of hunger and strife common in societies in Europe are virtually non-existent; a utopia no less. In the world outside Bensalem, people have to work in order to obtain the most basic necessities. Satisfied with their economic conditions, they no longer desire to earn more than what they are already getting. A Bensalem inhabitant who welcomed the sailors said that â€Å"he must not be twice paid for one labor†(Bacon, 2007, p.7). Since he is already paid by the State for the service he offers to the guests, he explains that he should no longer accept anything from the guests themselves. Such gesture may be construed as honesty but such attitude would certainly not be developed if want and misery exist in Bensalem. It is clear that the society of Bensalem as described by Bacon is governed by what may be considered as an ideal welfare state. There are no private businesses mentioned all throughout the story. It is the state that ensures that the people are provided for according to their needs. The office governor of the House of Strangers articulates this when he tells the sailors that â€Å"ye shall also understand that the strangers’ house is at this time rich and much aforehand; for it hath laid up revenue these thirty-seven years, for so long it is since any stranger arrive in this part; and th erefore take ye no care; the State will defray you all the time you stay†(Bacon, 2007, p.11). It is evident here that Bacon’s utopian Bensalem bears the semblance of the society dreamt by the early socialists. However, it is also important to point out that this kind of society would not be possible if its level of economic advancement has not been bolstered by an accurate system in discovering scientific tru
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