Thursday, December 26, 2019
Theme of Death as Explored in Crabbit Old Woman, Remember,...
In the three poems Crabbit Old Woman, Remember, and Refugee Mother and Child, the similar theme is death. Remember is a sonnet by Christina Rossetti, which goes into the thoughts of a dying woman imploring her lover to forever remember her, only to change her mind after the volta. Phyllis McCormack’s Crabbit Old Woman tells of an old lady’s opinion on her nurses’ perception of her. Refugee Mother and Child, written by Chinua Achebe, is an emotive poem which depicts a mother’s unwavering devotion towards her dying son. In Remember, there is heavy repetition of the word ‘remember’. This emphasizes the main objective of the poem, which was to tell the narrator’s partner to never forget her. The first ‘Remember me’, is almost like an order,†¦show more content†¦The reader’s sight, smell and touch senses are provoked as they read through the stanza. The imagery suggests that the children are almost skeleton-like, which the reader can depict. Undoubtedly, the reader who find these pictures repulsive, which is the intended effect. There is an emphasis on the word ‘wash’, which the narrator does to stress that the children have poor cleanliness.Achebe holds nothing back and is intentionally grim, as he wants the reader to have a realistic view on the reality of the children’s conditions. This rouses emotion from the reader. The repetitive use of the word ‘ghost’ has connotations of death, which shows that what was once a smile is now gone. It also hints at the fact that the boy is dead. The mention of the mother’s ‘pride’ and ‘singing in her eyes’ reflects greatly on her heartening and positive attitude, even though she is in the toughest of circumstances. Even though her son barely has any hair left, she still shows affection, combing through it tenderly. This causes the reader to admire her, and her unconditional love towards her son, hence the comparison with Madonna and Jesus. The fact that he is the one with ‘rust-coloured hair’ connotes that his health was deteriorating, like the effect of rust. The final simile has a devastating effect, as Achebe compares the son’s previous usual routine of breakfast and school to his mother’s new routine of ‘putting flowers on a tiny grave’. The word ‘tiny’ displays the fact that
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Is It a Good Idea to Hold Good Stocks Even if the Overall Market Is Assignment
Essays on Is It a Good Idea to Hold Good Stocks Even if the Overall Market Is Overvalued Assignment The paper "Is It a Good Idea to Hold Good Stocks Even if the Overall Market Is Overvalued" is a delightful example of an assignment on finance and accounting. Keep holding and do nothing. The current stock seems to be doing great and against the earlier projections in the market over the years. Leaving the company would mean leaving the market one is well aware of, and that has grown drastically over the years. Since overvaluation of shares is measurable using a range, then where the ceiling range remains not bleached, holding is necessary. The implication of holding is that one is not required to pay the capital gains taxes, and the long-term investment could result in higher returns in the future. However, where the company’s long-term potential does not offset the overvaluation, the stocks will crash down, and investment money will be lost. Where the competitors rise to surpass or shatter the planned development by the company, it would damage the company to reach points where it could fold, and investors would lose money (Kolodovoski, 2014). Take some profit off the table by disposing of some of the stock and paying the capital gains tax. Selling some of the stock and holding some would work as a lever to offset any shocks in the market. The competitors are getting stronger, and that could damage the company where its share price would fall. The company could also remain on its successful path, and the stock value would increase. To ensure that the investor is shielded from both a partial sale to offset the initial investment is necessary. Selling a quarter of the stock at $45 having purchased them at $12 means that the initial investment gets almost catered for, and future decrease in the stock won’t make the investor lose money. Maintaining some stock prepares the investor for the future success of the company (Kolodovoski, 2014). An outright total sale of the stock and payment of the capital gains tax. Overpriced Shares and the continuat ion of that trend means that the range is growing bigger with time. Letting go of the stock protects the stockholder from the future collapse of the company. The investor would make massive profits by selling at the current market price of $45. The implications of an outright sale would be losing in big if the company were to make successful decisions and the share price increases. The other implication is being protected from the folding of the business if the future investment does not work as required (Kolodovoski, 2014).
Monday, December 9, 2019
Increasingly Growing Sector Of Population - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Increasingly Growing Sector Of Population? Answer: Introducation The project is centered on major rolling out of the legal framework that affects the operations of Uber Services a taxi business in which mobile application is used to call for private taxi rides. The content to which people access through the App does not necessarily have to be the same as that of the website, typically it is not ((De)regulation of the taxi industry, 2007). This is a key element to consider since a major challenge for the App is to be practical and useful in order to stay installed on the Smartphone, so the content has to be optimized for the size and usage scenarios of a Smartphone. Avoiding doing too many other things that the user does not interest to him and that it diffuses him of the interesting thing. Legally, Prestige and innovative image is what makes the App a novelty. They speak a young and innovative language that companies can take advantage of by having one, exhibiting a modern and innovative image. Uber should however have the basic legal framework for it to be allowed to operate in Australia. Project Objectives There are various reasons why the UBER services in Australia are required and seem to have a clear sense of direction on where the company is headed. The objectives of Uber services in Australia include, legally offering convenient transport services to people who use tax or cab services, to provide pocket friendly services in Australia and lastly are to increase accountability in the transport sector through application of technology and innovation (An overview of the Australian road freight transport industry, 2003). The other objective is to control the Uber effects in Australia after due legislation and government regulations of Uber and other taxi services so as to have worthy competition. Project Problem / Research Question The project research question for Uber services in Australia is to see the effect of legislation on mobile application businesses in Uber. The research question should be the effect of legislations on Uber services and its mobile applications. Project Justification For the project to be justified there must be a problem and a solution that is being sought after.Uber is a technologically disruptive service in which many taxi operators find it difficult to compete due to its dominance. In many countries, Uber have driven many cab operators out of business due to their disruptive innovation in the transport sector (Evans, 2003). However, in Australia the justification of the legal framework for fair competition is necessary to protect especially the local taxi drivers who have been operating all along. Outcomes/ Benefits There are many outcomes and benefits that are associated with the project. They include; Increased flow of operational efficiency in Uber and other taxi operators in Australia to reduce competition. Legal framework will set the guidelines for operations in which mobile based taxi services in Australia are not driven out of business. When Uber started with e-business in the mid-nineties, the business world asked the question, should the company have a website? Time responded to this. The web is already consolidated and today it is not conceived a business, organization or government that does not have a space in the network. But it is no longer enough to be; To be able to compete it is necessary to define a strategy and digital identity that involves multiple channels, web, social networks, search engine strategy, link networks and more recently, mobile strategy. A Mobile Application or App is a program that is installed on the client's Smartphone or Tablet. An Uber application is a mobile program that is used to make In this way the App becomes part of the cell phone, a privileged place in which every brand would want to be. The icon that identifies it, with the image of your company, will be visible at all times, reminding the user of our existence, both when using it and when doing another task. Key issues and theories When the user is working, he looks at his cell phone, when he is bored, he looks at the cell phone, when he is traveling, he looks at the cell phone, he is talking, he is looking at his cell phone, Consult the agenda, etc., look at the cell phone. Unlike the web, the App is available for instant execution, it is enough that the user touches its icon to start, without having to open a browser, write web addresses or use search engines. In a world where immediacy is the paradigm and ease is everything, the App is there to be used without further delay. The interface perfectly adapted to the mobile devices allows our customers to navigate from their mobile or tablet with the simplicity and optimal usability. If it is well conceive d, the usefulness of a mobile app is much greater than that of a conventional web site, since not only its interface but the information and all the content is organized for a mobile device and it is much more accessible and manageable in the App. Store Presence - Help us get to know our business Our App will be seen by many more people in different app stores like iTunes, Google Play, etc. Only Apple and Google have millions of searches per day. This fact will make our company appear in organic searches made from mobile devices and like the previous point, will also contribute to the brand image (Madari, 2010). Differentiation Today, there are still many businesses that have decided to create their application. Why not advance to them and thus differentiate us? New channel of attention to our customers An App expands the commercial scope of its brand, products and services, making synergy with other existing channels, sharing centralized information stored in the servers, giving t he user a consistent and improved experience. As a main advantage, in the mobile app we can find platforms that encompass different brands or providers within the same field. Successful cases in Uber that despite being the leaders in their sectors, one does not use cables and the other does not have any vehicles. All thanks to the strength of the Internet. For years this model worked, but as the technology was progressing and more and more people were gaining access to smartphones, the model was changing, adapting, so that services through mobile applications began to appear with several advantages for both Taxi driver, for the company as for the customer (Jimu, 2008). Now, although the different companies that offer the service have differences between them, what they have in common most of these is that when asking for the service the customer through the application not only knows who is handling the taxi, but knows The license plate and the route you are following, information that can be easily shared with your contacts and represents a greater assurance that the taxi driver is not an undercover criminal. In Uber, they operate more than 7 taxi applications and compete strongly with each other. Easy Taxi and Taxibeat, have started a price war, since both have a different tariff system, the competition has benefited the customers' pocket. Uber, changed the way of payment of the service, since since it entered the market only accepted electronic payments and now accepts cash one of the first applications to enter the taxi service market.One of the mobile applications, Uber, has launched the 'carpooling' option, which is the use of shared taxi; This benefits the user, since the price for the trip is reduced by sharing it with other users.In these times, taxi applications are hogging the market for taxi services, companies are modifying their services to give users new experiences (Jimu, 2008) Research Methodology Data collection will be done through questionnaires, we will also analyse the data of how Uber taxis have affected the Australian market.The metropolitan taxi goes through moments of uncertainty. The new technologies and the tourist boom of Australia have revolutionized the transport industry. Over the last year, there are several times when taxi drivers demonstrated against Uber and against the unfair competition of mobile applications that, in their view, offer a covert taxi service. But what can the sector do beyond legitimate protest? Is there room to compete with technology that, sooner rather than later, will eventually enter the Cities. To put it in some way, take the corset off the taxi so that it is able to compete with anyone. This can only be done with the participation of the various stakeholders in the taxi industry. After the drama that has resulted in the situation of Uber and conventional taxis in Melbourne, again private transport platforms steal the attention of the media, now with a new legal situation that would make a tiny, but very important change in their favor (Western Australian Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 (commenced on 1st August 2008), 2010) . The collaborative economy makes the sector agonize before the implacable advance of the technologyIt is difficult to predict the future of the taxi industry globally. What everyone intuits is that you will have to be able to adapt to new technologies to survive.Sell your license before it's too late." This is what a lot of taxi drivers hear in many Australian cities. They are common conversations between clients, partners and colleagues. Faced with technological threats, the media are echoing the relentless and continuous technological advance to the detriment of the current taxi industry. Legal Framework According to the Ministry of Communications and Transport, it is illegal to use these platforms or the conventional taxi service from the airports and only the special yellow taxi service with the distinctive image of an airplane is authorized to move travelers. Some legislators have proposed a law reform that would allow platforms like Uber and Cabify to operate normally from these points.The regulation seeks to prevent the airport's special taxi service from charging exorbitant fares for routes that would normally be much more accessible with other transport options. The proposal to the two laws necessary for the regulation of the service will still be put to review, but without doubt is an excellent idea and to be approved would be good news for users of the services since it is well known that yes, Authorized taxis are usually much more expensive, in addition to using the platforms without fear of reprisals. In Australia some experts propose to the Ministry of Transport to create a new category to legalize the drivers that use the technological application. The debate continues.Uber has legal vacancies in all the countries of the world where he has wanted to venture almost 54. Therefore, of 250 cities where he currently operates, only in London and Frankfurt has been legalized. However, this does not mean that there are specific regulations. For example, In the case of the capital of England Transport for London , the entity regulating and granting private transport licenses determined that Uber is legal because the way in which it transmits the information (via GPS) between the vehicle and non- Has a physical implication with the cars and therefore, can not be equated to the function of a taximeter (Persistent forecasting of disruptive technologies, 2010). In September 2014, a judge in the German city lifted the temporary ban on enforcement issued at the end of August of the same year and declared its legal use. The cost of its rapid expansion since 2010 has not been low. At least 13 countries such as Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), United States (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Nevada, Portland), Canada (Toronto) Netherlands, Spain, China and Colombia have been banned or restricted. Uber reported that there are currently 55 countries where they are regulated or are progressing in legislation on the matter. James Grey, a digital expert lawyer explains that there are what he calls "distruptive technologies", which penetrate a certain in the sector completely revolutionizing the market, changing the competitive forces.This is known as disruptive innovation, so it is not a discussion of legality but updating regulation to the needs of the market. a spokeswoman for Uber in Australia, explains that this is an application that serves as a bridge between drivers (5,000 people) and users (100,000 people) and as such is not a transportation model.That is why when it comes to the issue of legalization it is not a question of seeking a regulation for the application but for the drivers who use it. However, unfortunately for a year and a half that we have arrived in the country we have not had room for the government to understand the model. Apart from the political will, legal experts believes that the legalization of this issue in the country depends on Uber ceasing to present himself as a simple application, that is to say, that being profiting from the activity Of transport, consequently it is responsible for assuming certain economic charges (Prosser, 2012). Regulation, whether legislative or by decree, should extend the contractual freedom of the individual user either by allowing other agents to provide the service, expanding the spectrum of public service contracts of special transport, currently limited to only five categories, in Where the users would correspond to joining in special associations of consumers to be able to execute this type of contracts.In this sense, what is proposed to the Transport authorities, is to create a new regulated category for the more than 5,000 drivers that has the application in the country that carry more than 100,000 users. The model used believes that if the category is to be granted, it should be classified as premium and it would have to have certain specific requirements such as limited quotas, that each municipality tender the quotas, that the cars be of a high range And specifies that, as in Melbourne, vehicles are renewed every three years. A petition was sent to the Ministry of Transport to be respected, it is worth the redundancy the right according to Uber that users can choose to be transported (Stankovic?, Stankovic? Dotlic?, n.d.). If this does not prosper, citizens, including drivers of Uber, have the participatory tools established in the Constitution and the Statutory Law of Citizen Participation (Law 134 of 1994) so that through the popular consultation can preserve the Institutionality and pre-established rules of the game or, on the contrary, are updated to benefit all parties Breaching of law Auto insurance companies classify drivers at different levels according to the perceived risk of each of them. Based on your driving record and other factors, you will buy auto insurance or at the standard or high risk level. The high risk level is considered less attractive and is associated with higher rates. High-risk drivers may find it difficult to find auto insurance companies that are willing to insure them. That is why you probably have to buy high risk auto insurance, which is usually much less affordable than standard auto insurance. However, there are always ways to change your rating and move from high risk auto insurance to standard auto insurance. How Uber has managed to stay within the law the representatives of the Uber, and other apps and the leaders of the organized taxi drivers of the town agreed that it is necessary to renew the regulation on mobility so that both models can operate in the country; However, the positions of each differ in the way in which these options should be regulated (Tasmanian transport industry guide to meeting the oh s duty of care, 2001). In order to regulate, Uber shoudl do the following as a due diligence steps as it could happen in different ways: through the regulation or through a deep constitutional reform, although the operators were warned that the "urgency" of the problem and the need of the applications to operate in Australia without problems will take Make "emergency" agreements that do not solve the underlying problem (Western Australian Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 (commenced on 1st August 2008), 2010). There is an urgency to regulate Uber , who do not want to continue operating in this framework in which they say they are legal and taxi drivers are illegal. The urgency can cause things to be missing, that only an annex be made and that what causes problems of law be invalidated. And Uber drivers should ensure that they uphold all laws and regulations in the transport industry. Some of the recommendations that have been suggested the possibility of users sharing a taxi. This is one of the legislative amendments that have can be recommended so that ordinary taxis can compete with Uber. Another proposal is to replace some "completely deficit" bus lines, especially between towns. References (De)regulation of the taxi industry. (2007). Paris. An overview of the Australian road freight transport industry. (2003). Canberra. Evans, N. (2003).Business innovation and disruptive technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Jimu, I. (2008).Urban Appropriation and Transformation. [Place of publication not identified]: Langaa RPCIG. Madari, U. (2010).New Delhi mass transport system. [New York, N.Y.]: Knovel. Persistent forecasting of disruptive technologies. (2010). Washington, D.C. Powell, T. (2001).The transport system. London: PTRC. Prosser, R. (2012).Uncommon dissent. Auckland, N.Z.: Howling at the Moon Press. Stankovic?, P., Stankovic?, G., Dotlic?, M.Transport law in Croatia. Tasmanian transport industry guide to meeting the oh s duty of care. (2001). [Hobart, Tas.]. Western Australian Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 (commenced on 1st August 2008). (2010). Perth, W.A.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Proposal on the Project of Providing A Comprehensive Understanding of Sickle Cell Anemia Essay Example
Proposal on the Project of Providing A Comprehensive Understanding of Sickle Cell Anemia Essay This Project was inspired by the fatality of the subject in question. Though, many people have heard about this Disease but only a few have the knowledge of the characteristics and the know-how to handle this fragile but deadly blood poison. I propose to undertake this topic to achieve the following: To create awareness on the deadliness of the disease to both the General Public and members of the OSU fraternity. To make available to the General public the comprehensive information on the diagnosis and treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia by having a general overview of what the symptoms are. To provide the public with the various causes of the disease and the characteristics of the various forms of it that we have. We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal on the Project of Providing A Comprehensive Understanding of Sickle Cell Anemia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal on the Project of Providing A Comprehensive Understanding of Sickle Cell Anemia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal on the Project of Providing A Comprehensive Understanding of Sickle Cell Anemia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To explain how it can be effectively managed and suppressed. I hope to achieve all the above by: Making use of my experience with family member who was affected by this disease and my knowledge of medicine as a student. Providing a summary and the analysis of research on Sickle Cell Anemia with great comparison on from at least five different but notable medical journals wherein informed and extensive research had been carried out. Interviewing medical staff specialized in diagnosis and treatment as well as dealing with victims of Sickle Cell Anemia. I will be able to gather first hand information on the disease and be in a better-informed position to enlighten the public with my findings, observations and inferences. My target beneficiaries of this Project would be Practitioners and the Reading Public. After this comprehensive and exhaustive report has been put together and made available to the target groups, I would have achieved the following:  ·Ã‚        A great sense of usefulness to my generation.  ·Ã‚        A broader spectrum of knowledge of the topic myself and therefore;  ·Ã‚        Becoming a one-on-one authority on the subject matter and would be able to educate peers, families and most especially the public on the disease.  ·Ã‚        A more informed community of people with greater sense of responsibility rather than stigma to Sickle Cell anemia patients. All these I believe make the Project worthwhile and important in the achievement of a world devoid of Sickle Cell Anemia – the silent killer.
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