Sunday, May 24, 2020
Data mining in industry Free Essay Example, 1000 words
The given study used factor analysis technique to dwell deeply the organizational features of the industry; in addition to this, multivariate analysis t-test was employed to investigate the research hypothesis. According to the study, Domain managers suggested that â€Å"the attitude of data resource was included in the framework to reflect the DM characteristics†(Chang, Chang, Lin & Kao, 2003). This is quite unique for the study since it tells us that decision-making has influence in the adoption of data mining in an organization. It is also worth noting that Fletcher has pursued studies before correlating the importance of data mining and marketing. Indeed, this case study has a well-rounded approach in viewing data mining as an important tool in management. Rather than consider data mining as technical pursuit left to programmers, Fletcher highly influenced studies in the industry that establishes solid evidence between the relevance of data mining and marketing which can lead to profitability or risk prevention ( as in this case study). There were five hypotheses derived from the research framework in that study ( qtd. We will write a custom essay sample on Data mining in industry or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now from Chang, Chang, Lin & Kao, 2003): 1. The organizational size is significantly related to the DM adoption [Dewett et al. , 2001]. 2. The organizational culture is significantly related to the DM adoption [Fletcher et al. , 19961. 3. The attitude of data resource is significantly related to the DM adoption [domain managers]. 4. The style of decision-making is significantly related to the DM adoption [Fletcher et al. , 1996]. 5. The competitiveness of outside environment is significantly related to the DM adoption [Thong et al. , 1995; Chengalur-Smith et al. , 1999, Dewett et al. , 2001]. The study yielded the findings that among the five hypotheses, Hypotheses 1, 3, and 4 yielded positive results which established an important conclusion: that data mining is very significant in the areas of attitude of data resource, organizational size and decision-making style for the financial services industry. Because of this study, the adoption of Data Mining in the Financial Services Industry is regarded with importance. To be considered in the DM adoption are attitude of data resource, organizational size and decision-making which were all validated in the study. Although the information is limited for this type of industry, similar studies can be pursued now that marketing can be very well supported by DM ( courtesy of IT ). On the over-all view of management, organizational culture should be taken as very influential in data mining.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A comparison between the Italian and German Opera;...
The Italian opera and the German opera are two different fields that both share characteristics, some of which are paralleled, and some of which contrast. Specifically, Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner use motifs such as: redemption through love, patriotism, and sacrifice which run throughout both of their operas. The theme of betrayal also seems to be echoed throughout both operas; yet they are each used to project a different response. The significance of this comparison demonstrates that Verdi and Wagner may allude to the same references, such as Victor Hugo, Shakespeare, and Byron, but the operas The Flying Dutchman (German opera) and that of Nabucco (Italian opera) are completely different in context, and musical style; perhaps even†¦show more content†¦He then asks God for forgiveness and promises to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, and to follow the true faith. He and his loyal soldiers decide to punish the traitors and rescue Fenena. The Jews and Fenena are prepared for death on the sacrificial altar of Baal. Nabucco rushes in with his sword and the Idol of Baal shatters into pieces. Nabucco tells the Jews they are free. Abigaille enters. She poisoned herself. She asks for forgiveness of Fenena, says shes sorry and dies. Zaccaria (the priest) hails Nabucco as the servant of God and the King of Kings. After Nabucco, Verdi based his operas on more standard romantic sources by Victor Hugo, Shakespeare, and Lord Byron. Orchestrally, it is scored for strings, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, two flutes, one piccolo, two oboes, one English horn, two clarinets, two bassoons, four French horns, two trumpets, three trombones, two harps, and one cimbasso. Musically, this opera is very directly vigorous. It sticks to the widely used concepts of arias, duets, finales, and choruses. His fine music often excused the glaring faults in character and plot lines. Contextually, there are themes of love, betrayal, and patriotism represented. We see love through Kind Nabuccos love for his daughter Fenena, and his constant want to help and protect her. It is almost through this love that he is redeemed, and made whole again. We also see the love between Ismaele and Fenena as pure and genuine. Although this opera is not
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Perspective of the Modern World Free Essays
A Position of the Modern World The construct of where the modern universe began was ne’er much of a idea of mine prior to taking this class. Believe it or non, I ne’er even gave much idea to what the word â€Å"modern†even meant. However, I do remember what my first inherent aptitude was when the inquiry was posed on the really first twenty-four hours of category. We will write a custom essay sample on A Perspective of the Modern World or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, the modern universe? †My encephalon rapidly leapt to that of a functioning economic system. An economic system that leads to the formation of more sophisticated Torahs in which society starts to develop and map about. That made sense to me at the clip, but now when I read that back in print I wonder what the heck I was even believing about. My ideas were centered on the constitution of the U.S. settlements and get downing a new society. I was non even needfully believing about post-revolution U.S. , but instead the beginnings of a new state that was puting the tone for the universe that we know today. It made sense to me that the â€Å"modern world†would necessitate holding the concept of the universe that presently exists, even if it was merely in its babyhood phases. Diging in to that thought though led me to the realisation that the U.S. was far from the first economic system in the universe. In fact, economic system day of the months back good in to the early antediluvian times. I slightly seem to remember larning about early economic system when being taught about Mesopotamia in my secondary instruction old ages. So possibly holding all that exists in the current universe is non necessary for the â€Å"modern†, but instead merely holding that avenue for its growing. If a working economic system was non the driving force of the modern universe, what was? Through the hebdomads of the category we had the chance to discourse at least eight different countries that saw important alteration from about the mid 15th century until the late 20th century. And while there will ever be many lending factors to the development of civilization and society over clip, our modern universe seemed to be launched chiefly from one major influence†¦a alteration in position. Perspective is what allowed the modern universe to get down to develop and would finally take us to what we have today. The Renaissance motion in Italy helped catapult a wholly new mentality of that which was standard in antediluvian and mediaeval times. It was a period in clip where a new position began to originate. The displacement from a God-centered point of view to a man-centered 1 developed a whole new originative manner of nearing political, societal, economic and cultural countries, and brought approximately great alteration in each of them. It marked a gradual displacement from a agriculture focussed society to an urban one, where metropoliss assumed a greater importance than in the past because of trade. It was besides a clip when originative thought and new engineering Lashkar-e-Taiba people comprehend and describe the universe more accurately. Science, doctrine, faith, art, and history combined to make a humanist attack to understanding the universe. Switching off from a society dominated by God-focused thought allowed creative persons and scientists likewise to get down progressing some reasonably extremist constructs. In ancient times the justification for anything that seemed unaccountable was based on a intent that the Gods had put away. The Gods brought the rain, pulled the Sun across the sky, changed the seasons, etc. When the Renaissance brought about a displacement in the manner we thought and saw things, there started to be a more scientific attack in the logical thinking behind the inquiries that were raised. Columbus challenged that the universe was round as opposed to level. Copernicus, pant, stated that the Sun is more likely to be the centre of our solar system and non the Earth. It was forward minds like these gentleman that brought about a alteration in society that would get down taking to a patterned advance of alteration instead than a stale and dead being that had been most outstanding in the clip period merely before the outgrowth of the Renaissance. A displacement in the manner society thought would be the accelerator for transmutation of the universe. Critically of import to this displacement in thought was the innovation of Gutenberg’s publishing imperativeness with movable type, which aided the spread of the Renaissance. Prior to holding the printed word, humanity relied on unwritten conveyance of cognition. Perpetrating information to memory was critical to successful life. The passage to books may hold damned memory as was one time known, but it besides provided chances to a turning displacement in idea to the multitudes. Printed books became more readily available and people learned to read and derive entree to a wide scope of cognition. As printing imperativenesss were established in Italy and other parts of Europe, printed books exposed educated Europeans to new thoughts and new topographic points. The add-on of printed plants, made available to the multitudes, added a more finite being to the constructs being fed to the populace. Opinions and ideas on social things were now being published for anyone with the ability to read to devour. Changing positions had a new friend that would assist present them to more people across the Earth, motivating quicker and more efficient transmutation. The general populace now had entree to the ideas of people like Martin Luther thanks in big portion to the printing imperativeness. This sort of handiness to positions such as Luther’s led to legion persons oppugning the current being of established establishments such as faith and authorities. In many ways the printed word helped launch positions to people that may hold been less prone to hearing those same constructs by word of oral cavity. These ideas were now able to be readily accessed by many, fostering an development of thought and construct that would alter the class of social development. Monarchial foundations would get down to be questioned as displacements in position led manner to an epoch of enlightenment. Past traditions and undisputed religion would be challenged by philosophers like Bacon, Locke, and Voltaire. Debating thoughts about authorities and single rights finally led to dispute of traditional regulation. Ultimately a path was paved for rebellion, most notably with the American and Gallic revolutions. Timess were switching from authorities of a supreme swayer to that of a way for single privileges. It makes perfect sense that when freedom comes from that which has kept us down, it is clip to get down to spread out and come on in efficiency. Emancipating ourselves from old traditions allows us to travel frontward and to boom more creatively. This is what the industrial revolution was to me. It was a clip following the separation of traditional authorities in which we could now develop ourselves and challenge ourselves in engineerings. Science and engineering progressed at such a rapid gait and new inventions were doing growing non merely feasible but at hand. Steam engines led to go and efficiency in machinery. Advanced fabrication procedures were made available because of growing in machining tools. It is a spot phantasmagoric to believe of the monumental displacements in industry from the late 18th century to mid 20th century. However, when you start to believe of how displacements in position and ways of idea can impact a civilization so rapidly, the concatenation reaction of development seems a small less incredible. It is still astonishing, but credible. Probably my favourite epoch that we had the chance to reflect upon and discuss was that in response to the industrial revolution, the romantic period. Puting accent on emotions and promoting art, literature, and music to new degrees was the halfway phase of this epoch. Switching from modern worlds, the romantic age stressed utilizing imaginativeness to visualise an flight. Poets like Keats, Shelley, and Lord Byron provided a more facile usage of linguistic communication that brought about power and beauty to the mundane. Romantic art centres more on the unmanageable, unpredictable nature as opposed to the controlled order seen in the enlightenment period. Romanticism was and still is all about experiencing no affair what the topic. There is no uncertainty that the promotions we have been able to analyze dating back to the Renaissance have come about quick, comparatively talking. The fact that we have seen geographic expeditions to new lands, freedoms won over oppressors, people able to wing, atomic arms created all in a small over five hundred old ages is mind blowing to state the least. To believe that merely about five centuries ago our universe was still perceived to be the centre of the existence and a level land. No uncertainty about it that a displacement in position was required to convey about a concatenation reaction of alteration. Challenging old thoughts and puting out to turn out new 1s is no original construct. The cardinal difference that enabled the point of view displacements in the Renaissance period to alter the class of our universe was the ability to acquire those new ideas in to the custodies of the multitudes. I wouldn’t needfully travel so far as to state that Gutenberg singlehandedly altered our class by his innovation. But he surely played a major portion in acquiring that class apparatus so that the driving force of disputing idea and position had a topographic point to travel. Once the class of the printed word was set, original positions were now able to travel frontward and convey about inquiries that institute planetary alteration. It about seems that now we have entered in to a period where we have become complacent with where we are. At least from a engineering point of view. Possibly there isn’t much more to contrive or alter. Possibly. I tend to believe that’s far from the truth nevertheless, and hopefully there’s a whole batch more philosophers on the skyline that will go on disputing and forcing us to the following epoch. It’s a good thing to acquire a alteration in position from clip to clip. How to cite A Perspective of the Modern World, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Day in the Life free essay sample
Something so tragic couldnt have happened on the best day of my life, My Graduation Day. The day Itself had actually been going very well indeed, and a seemingly endless surge of excitement had me going crazy! Things were going perfectly how I Imagined It, I have been waltzing for this day for 12 long years and Just knowing the fact that It was here Just drove me Insane. The morning started out when I woke up and had a wonderful breakfast waiting for me out on the table with my close family there. All sitting around the table talking about my graduation that as to be held later on that evening, everyone was really excited.Then all of a sudden the clouds turned grey and the rain started pouring down. The alert for a thunder storm was called out for my city. Just looking outside made the excitement vibe go away, not that it was going to affect the Graduation but somehow the weather bought all the positive energy down really quick. We will write a custom essay sample on A Day in the Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page That was not to last too long, 2 hours later the day had became dawned crisp and clear, the grounds covered with beautiful green grass. Finally now that the rain had stopped there was nothing hat could hold me back from all that excitement that was coming my way.Just the thought of walking down the aisle and going up to get my diploma was the greatest feeling In the world. Now that its a good day out, Its time for me to go to the Graduation rehearsal. The more I thought about the graduation rehearsal the better I felt. As I got put on my cap and gown I felt the excitement of graduating. My friends were calling me to ride with them but as excited I was I didnt want to take a chance and miss out. As I was driving to the rehearsal arena I saw many of my class mates riving next to me. All with the Joy of getting the diploma in about a couple more hours or so.It seed like nothing was going to go wrong at this point in my day so far. Just when I thought my day was going perfect my car broke down. Couldnt really rely on one of my friends to come pick me up because they were all at the graduation rehearsal by now, I had no choice but to call my dad to pick me up and drop me at the rehearsal. Waltzing for quite a long time my dad finally decides to get there and drives me up to the destination that I was suppose to be around a hour ago. Only If he day couldnt get worse, I get there 55 minutes late and I see everyone walking out the arena.After seeing that I knew for a fact that the rehearsal was over and I missed it. The smile I had worn all day was starting to fade away, and this day was becoming the best to the worst day ever. Nothing at this point could have gotten any worse. I met up with a couple of people and they showed me what I had to do to walk the stage. I only had a couple of minutes to get ready and hop into my cap and gown, because everybody was just getting ready to walk out to the arena and Just wait for that exciting once in a lifetime moment.I rush and barely made it to my spot, Just In time to look good for the people to look at me walking out all fine and normal. We all had a seat, all the parents looking at us with Joy and some parents with tears running out of their eyes. Now they were ready to call everybody name to walk the stage. Muhammad All they called I walked the stage with pride and had the best feeling every. My family and friends was screaming and was so happy for me. I bad part of the day came again as soon as I threw my cap in the air, because they held onto my diploma and said they would mail it to me later on in the summer.I was so shocked and didnt know what to do because I didnt expect it. I was so exhausted by the end of the day and Just felt like lying down and watching a movie or something. I never thought something like this would happen in my life. Instead of lying down I went out with my girlfriend to go watch a movie and another dinner after all that I had to eat throughout the whole day. So we went out and had a little bit of more fun and had a few other couples that went out with us. This is one of the incidents that I cannot forget in my life.
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