Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A comparison between the Italian and German Opera;...

The Italian opera and the German opera are two different fields that both share characteristics, some of which are paralleled, and some of which contrast. Specifically, Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner use motifs such as: redemption through love, patriotism, and sacrifice which run throughout both of their operas. The theme of betrayal also seems to be echoed throughout both operas; yet they are each used to project a different response. The significance of this comparison demonstrates that Verdi and Wagner may allude to the same references, such as Victor Hugo, Shakespeare, and Byron, but the operas The Flying Dutchman (German opera) and that of Nabucco (Italian opera) are completely different in context, and musical style; perhaps even†¦show more content†¦He then asks God for forgiveness and promises to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, and to follow the true faith. He and his loyal soldiers decide to punish the traitors and rescue Fenena. The Jews and Fenena are prepared for death on the sacrificial altar of Baal. Nabucco rushes in with his sword and the Idol of Baal shatters into pieces. Nabucco tells the Jews they are free. Abigaille enters. She poisoned herself. She asks for forgiveness of Fenena, says shes sorry and dies. Zaccaria (the priest) hails Nabucco as the servant of God and the King of Kings. After Nabucco, Verdi based his operas on more standard romantic sources by Victor Hugo, Shakespeare, and Lord Byron. Orchestrally, it is scored for strings, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, two flutes, one piccolo, two oboes, one English horn, two clarinets, two bassoons, four French horns, two trumpets, three trombones, two harps, and one cimbasso. Musically, this opera is very directly vigorous. It sticks to the widely used concepts of arias, duets, finales, and choruses. His fine music often excused the glaring faults in character and plot lines. Contextually, there are themes of love, betrayal, and patriotism represented. We see love through Kind Nabuccos love for his daughter Fenena, and his constant want to help and protect her. It is almost through this love that he is redeemed, and made whole again. We also see the love between Ismaele and Fenena as pure and genuine. Although this opera is not

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